Rules for publishing tasksHow to add and run a task?How to configure advanced settings for the siteMy Folders in the Advertiser’s Account – What Are They For?How to create a clear and attractive task descriptionWho are favorite users and what are they forWhy is my task not being completed? From theory to practiceЧто делать, если исполнитель требует оплату за неправильно выполненное заданиеКак поднять своё задание в начало спискаHow to pay for a refused invoice
Provided Services
SEOSPRINT is a service that provides quality services to promote Internet projects, products, services and brands, as well as the possibility of forming an additional source of income.
The list of services provided:
- Landings and blogs - the ability to declare your brand, product or service
- Conducting surveys
- Organization of testing applications and web resources
- Traffic - referring SEOSPRINT users to the advertiser's web resource
- Tasks - a platform for interaction between customers and contractors
- Advertising and sale of digital goods
- Contextual and banner advertising
Important! SEOSPRINT does not provide services other than those listed above. We do not deal with bots and any forms of cheating. We do not organize matrices and financial pyramids. We do not practice or encourage gambling. We also do not, under any pretext, provide electronic currency exchange services used in the project. There is no technical possibility of such actions on SEOSPRINT. Attempts to cheat the system are punished.