User Statuses
Personal and career growth plays an important role in SEOSPRINT. After all, your position, recognition, level of trust, privileges, and, of course, income depend on it! Work your way from a simple Guest to an Oligarch. Build your team, make connections, use all available SEOSPRINT tools, build your business.
There are 11 statuses on the site. To find out what your status is, follow the 👉link👈
Status is a ladder of 11 steps. Each new step opens up new possibilities. And each new step is more difficult than the previous one.
Minimum status in the project - Guest. It limits the possibilities of its carrier as much as possible. Therefore, try to raise it as soon as possible. This step is very simple and fast. The maximum status is Oligarch. It provides maximum benefits. More information on statuses can be found 👉here👈
Let's upgrade your Guest status to Trainee
To upgrate your status from to Trainee you have to enter your phone number in the 👉 settings 👈
If you have any questions, ask them in the comments
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