Suggestions and wishes

Sahin@15579385Author02/04/2022, 12:41 am
Blocked my account

Привет, почему ты забанил мой аккаунт без причины? Работаю по закону, не обманываю, может такое быть? вы ведете себя неправильно.. примите меры

Rasel Babu@1513110902/04/2022, 8:01 am #83056

Surely my seoprint id was lost for my mistake.  I won't make the same mistake a second time.  Please correct my id.

Ali@1561508102/19/2022, 9:59 am #83766

They will take our money, thats why they blocked our accounts

Sutrisno @1633749807/19/2023, 6:00 am #92489

Maaf saya masih pelatihan mohon bimbingannya admin tolong buka blokirnya 

khoirmoch@1649837202/01/2024, 4:23 pm #93637

forgive those who commit offenses

samir @1659160305/09/2024, 4:14 pm #94618

من فضلك سيدي هده اول مرة ارتكب خطأ سوف أقوم بتحسين عملي و وستكون آخر مرة 

Liliya@1658101005/09/2024, 4:25 pm #94619

Буде ласкаві розблокуйте мій заробіток як кажуть в нас в Україні всім не угодить так не блокувати же людей тим паче там зароблені гроші 

Amina@1659486805/10/2024, 11:57 am #94622

من فضلك سيدي هده اول مرة ارتكب خطأ سوف أقوم بتحسين عملي و وستكون آخر مرة 

ارجو رفع الحظر عن حسابي

samir @1659160305/10/2024, 2:35 pm #94629

نحن نجرب العمل معكم وأنتم تقومون بحضرنا من المفروض تساعدونا كي نشتهد في العمل 

Mizan@1659444405/31/2024, 7:26 am #94741

Please sir, this is the 1st time I have made a mistake. I will improve my work and it will be the last time

Raheel Ahmed@1660646006/01/2024, 9:50 pm #94749

Please sir, this is the 1st time I have made a mistake. I will improve my work and it will be the last time

Danang@1661456106/04/2024, 4:24 pm #94758

Please sir, this is the 1st time I have made a mistake. I will improve my work and it will be the last time

Danang@1661456106/04/2024, 5:28 pm #94759

Surely my seoprint id was lost for my mistake.  I won't make the same mistake a second time.  Please correct my id.

Danang@1661456106/04/2024, 5:28 pm #94760

Surely my seoprint id was lost for my mistake.  I won't make the same mistake a second time.  Please correct my id.

Raheel Ahmed@1660646006/05/2024, 9:52 am #94765

Surely my seoprint id was lost for my mistake.  I won't make the same mistake a second time.  Please correct my id.

sabah@1649765406/05/2024, 11:00 am #94766

Sorry, I will not repeat these mistakes. Please restore my account. Thank you, sir

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